Please do your best to follow these requirements to make the process as smooth as possible. If your artwork isn't formatted properly, additional fees may be incurred. Keep in mind this may delay your order from the standard turnaround times.

  • Basic Requirements & Additional Information

    1: Make all artwork to size. (or let us know how big you want the artwork.)

    2: Ink colors may look diffrent on certain colored garments and an underbase will be necessary(+1 Screen). Please contact us with any questions

    3: We will attempt to match the colors as best as possible using our in-house stock colors. If a pantone(Color Match) is needed please specify what color you want to match.

    (+$20 Per Pantone Color Match)

    4: If heavy artwork modification is required a charge of $20 will be incurred.

  • Acceptable File Formats

    • .ai

    • .psd

    • .png

    • .tif

    • .pdf


    Recomened DPI 200+ (Send us the highest quality file you have, Preferably the masterfile the artist sent directly to you.)